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Maryland Interscholastic Cycling League

Did you know Interscholastic mountain biking is coming to Maryland for student-athletes in the 6th thru 12th grades?

Here is some information regarding the new Maryland Interscholastic Cycling League chapter of NICA (National Interscholastic Cycling Association)


The Maryland Interscholastic Cycling League (MDMTB) is an organization working with communities, student-athletes and schools across the great state of Maryland to develop mountain biking as an interscholastic club sport for students in MD.

It is an emerging league of the National Interscholastic Cycling Association (NICA). For male and female students in the 6th – 12th grades.


NICA highlights


  • NICA programs offer the shared experience of mountain biking as a way to foster community among middle and high schoolers

  • NICA uses cycling as a tool to teach stuff like better eating & sleeping habits, good time management, technical proficiency through equipment maintenance, interpersonal skills as part of a team, and self-reliance and self-confidence through reaching goals and conquering tough trails.

  • There is a racing component but kids aren’t required to race and each MDMTB event will feature non-competitive rides

  • Parents are invited to participate in practices and pre-rides with their kids - what other sport offers that?

  • NICA statistics back up the success stories - their programs work.

  • Everything is based off the 5 NICA core values of inclusivity, equality, strong body, strong mind, and strong character.


Some Stats:

80% of participants are new to mountain bike racing, Experience is not necessary.

14,000+ student athletes Nationwide 21 leagues in 20 states.

66% of parents report that their children have made healthier food choices since joining their teams.